All genuine Skin Authority products are sold exclusively through Authorized Reseller Partners or on Skin Authority products found outside of these places are considered to be "diverted."
Skin Authority is committed to the quality of its products and the integrity of its specially Authorized Reseller Partners. Product found through non-authorized distribution can be counterfeit, diluted formulas, or old, expired formulas that may not be safe to use.
This means if you buy our products from any other outlet other than Skin Authority Authorized Reseller Partners or on, we cannot guarantee that they are authentic Skin Authority products that will perform as tested. You could be in danger by being exposed to contaminated or counterfeit products that could cause irritation or even infection.
Products are diverted by unauthorized distributors and other dishonest individuals who see profit in piracy. Don't risk it, don't buy it! And tell your friends about the potential danger of diverted products! If you see a Skin Authority product for sale outside an Authorized Reseller Partner or on, please send an e-mail to with the city, state and name of the location where you saw the products. You can also call 1-866-325-SKIN option 4 to report diverters.
We will conduct a full investigation.